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Re: Random thing I thought about
lipshitz Views: 1,320
Published: 13 y
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Re: Random thing I thought about

Sure, valid points to consider. I just read a dentist's website saying the majority of cases present minimal inflammation, so it's really all in the definition, and perhaps my lips are a few millimeters bigger than they were 6 years ago for all I know. I'm going to back off my differential diagnosis for idiopathic cheilosis and focus on researching and experimenting with exfoliative cheilitis remedies.

People with more than minimal inflammation after leaving their lips alone for a couple months should definitely consider a biopsy or smear test for fungi, bacteria, and common viruses.

If after this new round of targeted biopsies, there are still inconclusive results, we should definitely elevate the super-bug hypothesis to the top 5 list of causes. I still think chronic stress and depression, allergies, or toxic overload may be likely factors for many of us.

If a perfect storm of trauma caused this for me, perhaps it takes a perfect storm of treatments to rid myself forever of it.



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