What are your tips for success?
I recently wrote about how I have had a lot of success (going from being bedridden with severe neurological problems to walking 25-30 minutes a day in a period of 5 months) overcoming candida with the use of primal defense ultra (6 pills a day), Jordan Rubin's protocal for candida, and acupuncture (which is also strengthening my adrenals and helping with hormone balance). Admittedly, I am not "cured" and what has worked for me is quite an expensive route. But I have gone from praying each night to wake up in the morning, to enjoying going out to tea with friends, hiking a very little bit, and working a little as an artist.
I certainly do not consider myself an expert on candida, and really just want to help people with what has helped me. But I realize not everyone has the same budget (we are not rich - just very frugal in other ways and make my health top priority)and not everything which works for one person will work for another.
There are so many people on this sight who need encouragement that this is a battle which can be won.
So I am asking anyone who has had success of any kind with candida to share what has given them success. I would love to learn more myself, and I am thinking people who are desparately looking for answers would love to have some options! So instead of just arguing about what doesn't work, what HAS worked for you? What mistakes have you learned from? What kind of probiotics do you use? What kind of antifungals? What kind of diet? What other body burdens, such as heavy metals or parasites, have you successfully overcome, and how did that affect your candida?
Let's use this forum to give each other hope and encouragement - this is a battle which can and must be won!