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Re: daniel miller
danielxmiller Views: 4,344
Published: 13 y
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Re: daniel miller

Yes, I totally agree. I am going to see my mom's doctor on Wednesday...and I am really hoping she can give me some great referrals, my mom says she goes above and beyond, and even takes time outside of work to try to figure out the issues my mom was facing. She isn't one of those doctors just "looking for a paycheck" basically. She really cares.

And yes thank you so much. Either way, at least we know the leave it alone treatment helps the peeling slow down. And the center has built up again, I unfortunately have been a little lazy in posting pictures's just you know...the lips heal PERFECTLY, and then CONTINUE to build up. That is the problem. They seriously ARE perfect on that certain day. And then something causes it to build up again. I'm so glad lilo came on here and gave us something else to look into because really I don't believe it can be anything else. Our bodies are doing what is nessesary and healing our lips, however something else is causing them to become inflammed on the inside and destroy the cells internally. That is what I believe. I think I'll start another thread on that.

I think this forum has really built together to get some real results recently, and I believe we will figure something out, especially now that you have the doctors and equipment needed to run the tests.


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