Re: IF cancer patients are always acidic...
This is my understanding. Acidity = toxins alkalinity reduces the free radicals (toxins) Toxins decrease the load on the WBC's thus freeing them up for immune action.
Since the origins of cancer are pathogenic in nature, the immune system will try to eliminate them via oxidative bursting which produces huge amounts of free radicals thus raising the acidity of the body. So an alkaline reading would indicate lower amounts of free radicals and potentially adequate mineralization (see below).
Acidity could also mean deficiencies in alkaline minerals (magnesium, potassium, sodium and possibly calcium although calcium tends to adequate in most people). Magnesium (along with Vitamin D3) is very important to WBC health, NK cells depend on adequate amounts of magnesium. Magnesium also is needed in the manufacture of glutathione which is vital for immune and detoxification health.
I found the best way to bring alkalinity is through the use of bicarbonates - baking soda is sodium bicarbonate and works wonders for toxicity - my brother uses this for gout which is an acidity problem - you can use potassium bicarbonate but it typically used in lower amounts. The best is magnesium bicarbonate but that is a little harder to come by. Ted from Bangkok (earth clinic) has a great article on this.