i hope so but i doubt it. the docotr said if he was treating me for it he would make me aaply it 2 or 3 times a week for 2 or 3 weeks
my lips as of now have no hard crusts just literal yellow puss oozing out exactly how lilo said the inflammation has gone down heapss. been off the cream for 5 days now. im not worried becasue there going to do more biospy's taken this week. although im pretty sure i havent done enough to fully kill it becaseu i can see some parts on the top lip that were clearing up have now began to ooze out a little bit more so the virus must still be alive if it is. but my biopsy results will show exactly what kind of virus it is and the doc said they might even have a tablet you can take to kill it just need to find the correct strain. this is of course if the biopsy's are positive i have them done in 2 days and its takes 4 days to culture them.