Letter to my city councils and newspaper editorial
My city is debating whether to have fluoride in our drinking water, so I sent a letter to my city councilors and also the local newspapers. Feel free to use it for
you local city/papers. There is an obvious connection between fluoride and iodine, so I thought it ok to print
it here:
Those Anti-Fluoride Kooks
Those anti-fluoride kooks, what are they up to? Illiterate, unknowledgeable, they need to do their homework and not base their opinions on the solid, well established FACTS. Everyone knows fluoride is good for you. Even dentists in our community spoke up. We won’t have our children’s teeth have preventable dental caries, when fluoride will rescue them. Or will it? Let’s first look at some national and international “kooks” against fluoride in drinking water.
Dr. Arvid Carsson, the 2000 Nobel Prize winner in medicine for his research with brain cells, stated “I would advise against fluoridation”. No word twisting here, this Swede doesn’t like fluoride. Why doesn’t this Nobel Prize winning doc get with the program, fluoride is good for you, right?? Forgot to mention, the entire nation of Sweden does not put fluoride in their drinking water. By the way, neither does China, Japan, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Hungary, France, Czech Republic, and India, Those backword nations, they’ll come around. Even good ‘ol Portland, Oregon doesn’t put fluoride in their drinking water. Any other rebels disliking that fluoride taste?
Then there’s a “mate” down under, Dr. Andrew Harms. Former president of the Australian Dental Association. Against fluoridation. Dr. Russell Blaylock, retired U.S. neurosurgeon, currently a researcher in neuroscience, against fluoridation. Harvey Limback, dentist, PhD from the University of Torento’s Department of Preventive Dentistry. Against fluroidation. David Kennedy from the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. Against fluoridation. I’m glad these nuts didn’t show up at our City Council meeting. We would have run them out of town (unless it was fiesta week). Really. Kooks.
I could go on and on with a list of leaders in the world wide scientific community with credentials as high as Mount Everest, who oppose fluoride in drinking water. My personal favorite is a union. Yes a union of workers in the U.S. Those rascals. A union actually got together and voted, and required, to have non-fluoride drinking water at work. Abomination. It was the Environmental Protection Agencies Union of Scientists, which opposes fluoride in drinking water. The EPA, aren’t they the ones who protect us from toxins , chemicals, and stuff that might hurt us? I guess these scientists and PhD’s havn’t heard what our local dentists are saying yet.
Dentists have given their opinion on this forum of the advantages of fluoride to prevent dental caries. Obviously from the above, there is a debate about the usefulness of fluoride for this purpose. Dentists never mention another fact. Fluoride in water has to enter our bodies. We do drink the stuff. Any harm there?? A recent study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) by Harvard University (isn’t that where all those smart people are?) states, “Findings from our meta-analyses of 27 studies published over 22 years suggest an inverse association between high fluoride exposure and children's intelligence... The results suggest that fluoride may be a developmental neurotoxicant that affects brain development at exposures much below those that can cause toxicity in adults...”. l’m invitin’ those Harvard folk to our next council meetin’, they need to be educated, just like those EPA scientists do.
Finally, this is America. We have rights right? Like the right to take a medicine, a vitamin, smoke a cigarette, if we chose. Or the right not to. Not with fluoride. Fluoride is a medicine, with the intent of prevention of dental caries as its purpose, which is delivered via a pipe to our homes, schools, and workplace. We have no right to choose to take this medicine, or refuse it. Fluoride is forced on every person in our town. Why not add a little vitamin c to the water, its good for us too? Or perhaps a pipeline of essential fatty acids direct to our faucets, reduce heart attacks? Calcium’s good for our bones, bring it on!! I side with Belgium, who does not have fluoride for reasons of self-determination. Those who want it can get it themselves, those who don’t, don’t.
I am a “kook” against fluoride in drinking water, and proud of it. I believe there is a good representation of dentists, medical doctors, and scientists who agree that fluoride is harmful to our bodies. Other prominent, developed nations agree with me. The research above outlines the danger to our children and general population, fluoride is harmful to our bodies. There are many other studies I could not site because of space limitations. I believe also that each of us have an individual right to choose whether we and our children are medicated with fluoride. The choice should be mine, and yours, alone.