Enemas and chelating
I've been chelating mercury for quite a while now, and my situation has improved quite a bit.
Recently I began using enemas to fight yeast. I've used a combination of water, baking soda, Pau D'arco and probiotic enemas (using each one separately that is). I've done 3-4 enemas a day for the past month or so.
One of the effects I noticed is that when I began chelating again while doing regular enemas, the side effects of chelating seemed much less, almost nothing in fact. I'm not sure why exactly, and I'm not sure if it's only me, but I thought I would pass this along as a possibility for people who suffer from bad reactions when they chelate.
I should point out that after chelating for some years, my reactions to it were already fairly mild, but the enemas seemed to make my reactions even less.