Re: When should i expect die off.
LC diet will NOT cure You, you will see after year - hope you start eat complex carbs soon.
Do not matter if you have Candida Albicans or Candida non-albicans overgrow , you need to eat like Okinawians - best diet on the World - 33/1000 people are over 100.
85% carbs/ 10% protein (active people 15%)/ 3-5% fat
Eat millet (50% calorie), b. rice, potatoes, parsley, broccoli - all cooked
Low cellulose raw greens.
Some supps - Ca, Vit C, Cod liver oil, Chlorella, B-complex.
Fish, eggs twice a week or once after heal candida.
V. low fructose (Broccoli 1% fructose are ok), no fruit like bananas.