today - thats our cougar!
Good morning everyone,
We are finally here at the hospital, we got a later start than usual. I was trusting that our timing was perfect and I believe it is--he is very sleepy this morning. He had a good night, he slept for a few hours and then would awake and go back to sleep. His temp was up but that is normal post surgery. This morning his temp is normal.
While I was with him this morning he asked to see himself in the mirror-he wants to be able to see his chest. The nurse helped him to do this with the mirror that is attached to the bed table, but he wasn't able to see his chest. He is curious about what the peg in his stomach looks like. I am too and we haven't seen it either. As he saw himself in the mirror he looked stunned or disappointed or slightly shocked. He hasn't seen himself since this happened so it must be hard to see his neck, the trach now, the neck splint, etc. He also has quite a beard because we are unable to shave him at this point. (I actually had a dream the other night of him sitting propped up against the wall and he had a full head of hair and big scruffy beard). He has the mountain man look.
I brought him his iodine, he asked for this yesterday. He is of course very worried about the fluoride in all the medications he has been given and is still currently taking. We also found print outs about
Lugol's Iodine in his room this morning, so I bet he was telling his nurse all about it. (smiling now).
We are still limiting our visits today, so please don't visit yet.
Please continue to gather and pray for him as a group-this is powerful medicine.
Lots of love to you all,