By 3 days, I meant I applied it for 3 days and then the lips started responding and taking all the virus out, not that they were perfect in 3 days. But its doing all the good stuff, the yellow weeping is getting less and less and the crusts have softened and look as if they're getting ready to come off. The skin under the gooey yellow stuff is red and "raw", but the raw skin once the yellowness is gone heals very quickly. And last time once that raw skin was healed, it was like I never had an issue, ever. It did come back unfortunately because the wart virus lies dormant in the system, but iit was only after sadly getting prescribed harsh steroid pills that it came back :/ they lowered my immune system too much so i plan to keep my immune system running like a well oiled machine and take herbal antivirals to keep it away for good.