Re: Can Swedish Bitters cause die-off?
If you want to talk to Doc, find his personal e-mail off his website and e-mail him.
I come back on his forum to read and make comments, if I think they can help.
Swedish Bitters is a bug killer among other things. Bugs can cause anxiety because of the ammonia they have as a metabolic end product of their metabolism. A couple of us found a huge ammonia smell in the junk that comes out of the intestines during colon cleanse. It's the excessive ammonia that over-stimulates your adrenal glands.
If you've got over normal # of eos, then it's probably allergy that points back to your liver being congested. Your colon is feeding your body with toxic stuff going back into your bloodstream.
Candida and leaky gut mean parasites. The last of Doc's program is when you get rid of the dead cells and candida. Candida will eat the dead tissue. The pre-requisites need to be done first, and that may take you a while.
Clean out the colon and liver well, then the rest of the stuff happens automatically. You may have to have supportive herbs for cleaning out the lymph, kidneys and helping the liver, pancreas or other organs clean out and repair themselves along the way besides eating good food that will help.
It's simple, but removeing the toxins, parasites and garbage is a big job, takes time, as does getting your body healthy again with feeding it what it needs to get there.