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Simple, Easy, Inexpensive Cure for Scabies
grizz Views: 69,149
Published: 12 y

Simple, Easy, Inexpensive Cure for Scabies

I've had Scabies and I invented a simple, easy cure for it. I've been free of Scabies for 3 years.

Scabies does not present as a rash. It looks and feels more like mosquito bites mainly on the arms & torso with SEVERE itching mainly at night. Here are some scabies photos to help you identify Scabies.

Note photo 4 which illustrates the typical tunnel under the skin created by the scabby burrowing. Photo 3 is good because it compares scabies to other rashes. There are 2 kinds of skin eruptions.
1- where infant scabies dig into the skin to molt & wait for a male to mate
2- female burrows under the skin to lay eggs.
Eggs are hatching for a full 6 weeks after being laid
Here is a good series of photos:

The solution for scabies is mission impossible because they have grown resistant to the drugs used to kill them, and because eggs continue to hatch for 6 weeks after you have killed the scabies, they will die within 3 days if removed from the host.

My solution is to mix 2/3 grapeseed oil with 1/3 Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) into a spray bottle. Apply to the skin morning & night. Sprinkle DE into the bedding each day with a salt shaker being careful not to breath it. All scabies & itching will be gone within 1 week. Continue treatments for 6 weeks to kill off the hatchlings. DE kills them on contact & the Grapeseed Oil smothers their breathing tube.

Complete details here:

Scabies is the affliction from HELL ! A true HORROR story. People have suffered with it for YEARS, lost everything. Most doctors are USELESS and won't come near it. It is exactly the same as Mange in dogs. Some desperate people have even gone to a vet for Mange treatments.

Best of luck to you

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