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Re: Reaction to baking soda enemas
candisufferer Views: 5,663
Published: 13 y
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Re: Reaction to baking soda enemas

Eyes......mine have gone from bad to WAY worse after a year of failed anti candid treatments.

I suspect the main cause to be the body's stress response - cortisol which consumes up stored collagen. Collagen is a major component of connective tissues and the eyes are mainly connective tissues from my limited understanding.

My eyes started improving before the turn of the year from months of using BIOSIL, a collagen supplement. My hair got silky smooth too. They all hell broke out and things got worse due to a HIGH stress response this year (along with a serious deterioration of my health) which also corresponded with discontinuing BIOSIL. It doesn't taste very good, which was a main reason in stopping it. What a fool I was.

I found there are many collagen capsule supplements which I am now using. They contain other trace minerals like copper, etc. whereas I don't know if BIOSIL does. After a few days of using the capsules my eyes are starting to improve some, or I'm just fooling myself thinking they are improving.

Lack of collagen will show up in skin/hair/nails as well. Typically before eyes. My skin got very thin since the turn of the year with all the stress on a severely ill system: I literally have no fingerprints as the skin just wore off. I'm hoping the body will restore eyes first then help with skin/hair/nails....

You might consider trying a collagen supplement


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