Re: Living on fruit on a tight budget (below 10 USD a day)
After years of drinking orange juice, I can certainly say it is "addicting"......I like many differant fruit juices, but they usually are not so great day after day, after day...for example; after drinking fresh apple juice for several years; for the past 5 years I can take it or leave it...
I can drink a quart of pineapple juice every day for a month, but I can also go a year with out drinking it..
The ONLY JUICE that I am addicted to, is orange juice; I can drink it every day for life and when I don't have it, water never works....other juices work, but ONLY when drinking ORANGE JUICE, am I totally "satisfied" much now that I can truly say I am addicted and the kids all wife now buys $100.00 worth of juice weekly and when we are out, if we go past 24 hours with no juice, we are missing it badly....
I am convinced more than ever, year after year, that water is not really a human food, our liquid needs the proper ratio of minerals/sugars...
We humans seem to do well with a little of all the natural minerals on this planet after a tree has made use of them...
BUT, we need SUGAR and we need it DAILY....and we can easily live on sweet fruit juice alone for our diet, if we can handle the increase in health....bcause a pure diet means alot of old trash is going to come out and that old trash can make people too sickly if it comes out too fast.
people that go sugar free are certain to become matter what you read about medical, figure they are badly that it truly makes a person question every human that is a college graduate....examine how many occupations result from a college education that depends on lies to is staggering..
My really syupid nephew finished some type of college education in "sports"....not your standard college education by anymeans, but you name it and if you pay $$$$$ for it, they call it college education.....
anyway, he has his job with his new college degree and next thing he knows it, they hire a good looking girl ith a high school degree and no college degree and because she is pretty....the new customers walk here way, she signs them up and she makes more $$$$$ than the college boy and he is crying FOWEL...................what an idiot, it is never what you know, but who you know and always, how great you appeal is worth 10x any college education.
WHEN all is said in done in your life, the $$$$ will be meaningless "IF" you are foolish enough to loose your health..
Don't get me wrong, "honest" $$$$$ is a great pleasure to have and spend on this earth, but your health is the real value along with family.