Positive EBV result - PLEASE HELP
I am writing from India. I am male, 41 years old, and for the past year I have been having various weird symptoms My WBC count and my eosinophils went high about a year and a half ago. The EBC was 13000 and the esonophils were 30. I had a sexua| encounter involving analingus around a month before I did the CBC in which these counts came high . The doctor here gave me a 3 month course of an anti-helmintic medicine called hetrazan (diethylcarbamazine). After this treatment my WBC and eosinophils came down. But slowly and steadily weird symptoms started and kept increasing. The WBC and eosinophil count again went a bit above normal range. I then took a course of humaworm parasite cleanse and the eosinophils came down to normal and my WBC is now 10000.
After a whole agonising year of all tests coming normal , finally I got a EBV test done and both the IgG and IgM have come out positive - I do not know the titers as the labs here say they dont do titers !!
My symptoms are neuromuscular pain, rarely spasms in hands and feet, stomach bloating and hardness, some light sensitivity , migrating back pain. bone pain (not sure if bone or muscle or nerve), fatigue ( but not much ) , dizziness sometimes , and my neck and shoulder are very tight. My left chest , neck, shoulder and back seem so tight sometimes but sometimes better. Also, my upper left abdomen seems a bit hard and swollen and 2 weeks back when I was doing a bending down exercise I got this sharp pain in my left upper abdomen which became better in 5 minutes but still some soreness. I did a USG done - spleen size is normal and it says fatty, mildly enlarged liver but the doctor said that may be due to my being overweight. Rarely, I get insect bite kind sensations in my feet. Have a small boil/tender spot on my head which sometimes gets this "stretchy/biting" kind of feel - tough to describe. One spot in my upper left back seems tender too and i get this "electric current" kind feeling there. Sometimes throat feels a bit tight but not everyday.
Do all these sound like EBV symptoms ?
What should I do ? I have been looking at natural treatments like Lauricidin, Microbojen from Jernigan labs and MMS. ..... Or should I just start Valtrex which I can get on my own here in India, without a doctors prescription ?
Any guidance would be VERY appreciated.
Lots of love,