I was extremely angry. I am in recovery one year and I looked on his site and in the catalog for a menopause tx. No where does it say alcohol in the ingredients, I LOOK being in recovery from alcohol. Its not in the ingredients in the catalog.I went to the store and saw the female shot. Talked to the customer service people. They encouraged me to try it while I was there. I drank it, i immediately tasted the alcohol. I did not expect to have to look AT THE FINE TINY TINY LITTLE PRINT that it had PURE GRAIN ALCOHOL 10-20% in the shot!! That is alot!! If anyone out there knows about addiction this product is not to be taken by anyone with an addiciton. It really has alot of alchol in it. If someone where to take it unknowingly at work and were to be random tested to blow or in a car THEY WOULD COME UP POSITIVE. And yes i do know what I am speaking about. I have worked at treament centers so Shame on you for not putting it clearly on the label in your catalog and on your site. And the excuse is it is commonly used in tinctures baloney.