I've just completed my fourth Liver Flush following the Andrea Moritz method and really didn't see any green stones. This is the second time it's happened. My first flush I saw only 3 - 4 very small stones and had diarrhea most of the night and following day. It was followed by a couple days of painful bloated stomach. My second attempt yielded no stones at all. It was also followed by a few days of stomach pain. My third attempt yielded 20 - 30 shiny green stones and a lot of what looked like brown rice hulls (which is what I'd eaten for lunch the day before). I also had several days of stomach ache and a gallbladder attack on the second day following the flush. This last flush I also had the rice hull things (I did have some for lunch again but very little) and again no green stones, though there were a few whitish stones (or seeds?) in the mix. I have been diagnosed as having Gallstones and have had several attacks over the last two years with increasing frequency. My doctors are saying to take it out of course but not sure what to do.