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Re: Seriously Constipated...please advise
KaitS Views: 7,710
Published: 13 y

Re: Seriously Constipated...please advise

If you are seriously backed up some natural methods may not work very well, but I wanted to share anyways. I would always try these before moving to a more harsh laxative.

- a couple tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with 1/2 squeezed fresh lemon. Mix and take it back like a shot. Doesn't taste good, but really helps things move. Can do a couple time in the day.
- exercise, things like stair master or incline walk. both at slower paces to help it naturally move through the colon.
- drink warm water only to assist with digestion.
- prunes. These are a little more mild, but if you take 10 and do these other things they can be very helpful.
- a mild, natural laxative like motility helper from wellness resources or a natural tea

Hope you can use some of these and things get cleared for you!


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