Alternative and Natural Treatments for Mesothelioma Cancer Patients
Mesothelioma Book on Survival
Mesothelioma is a rare aggressive cancer malignancy. It occurs when the cells of the lungs begin to line the sacs of the chest "pleura" or abdominal "peritoneum." The most common form of mesothelioma cancer is called "Pleural" which manifests in the chest area.
The less common form of mesothelioma cancer is called the "Peritoneal" mesothelioma. This mesothelioma cancer effects the organs within the abdomen causing swelling, nausea, vomiting and bowel obstruction.
Mesothelioma Diagnosis
The mesothelioma diagnosis is an intensely stressful diagnosis due to the aggressive nature of this malignancy. Mesothelioma cancers usually arise from direct exposure to asbestos. To discover if mesothelioma is present in the lungs, the doctor will view the lungs using a Thorascope.
If mesothelioma symptoms are abdominal,a Peritoneoscope will be used. Final mesothelioma diagnosis comes after having a biopsy on the cells collected from those areas. Survival of the disease largely depends on early mesothelioma diagnosis and aggressive treatment.