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Re: Waste of time my dr appointment today!
Malodorsyndrome Views: 1,849
Published: 13 y
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Re: Waste of time my dr appointment today!

Hope 2012, I'm sorry that your appointment didn't go well. I know you're frustrated (and in their defense) please understand that healthcare providers and those in the scientific community, don't know everything there is to know in their field. It's impossible.

Malodor syndrome and Trimethylaminuria are very rare medical conditions. If a doctor sees 500 patients within a week, I'm willing to bet that none of them are there to see the doctor for chronic Body Odor . That's just being completely honest.

Back pain, headaches, HEENT issues, diabetes, hypertension, digestive issues, osteoporosis, for examples; these are the most common medical conditions. Malodor syndrome and TMAU are virtually unheared of. I do have a suggestion for you. You might want to ask your doctor to refer you to an Internal Medicine doctor or and Endocrinologist. If your doctor is a Family Practice doctor, then her knowledge of metabolic disorders is limited.

Don't give up! If you feel in your heart that your condition is worth pursing, then do it! Especially if you have yet to be diagnosed with TMAU. Until you're officially diagnosed with TMAU, you could be suffering from anything malodor related. Good luck to you, and don't give up!


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