Great message, I really enjoyed reading it because it brings to the table the very things I have been experiencing and learning.
You see? "Clogged liver" and "heavy metals" were always gut feelings for me. I think this bloated and dysbiotic belly still has some insight lol
How its going the chelation thing? Stil trying to get some DMPS? What about other projects or alternatives such as the "intelligent water"? Do you really think ALA and DMSA are ineffective? According to a Barefoot disciple, chelation its one of the last cleanses in the "curezone chain" and I would love to get there having some idea of what can work. My random explorations in the field have leaded to -thanks God- temporary mental symptoms. Maybe distilled water along with alfafa as a natural chelator could be another option for exploration.
Took distilled water one evening,(its sold for washing machines and such and there is phrase in majuscules saying its not for human consumption) got head pressure, then decided to stop advised by my nutritional balancing coach, who says im too defficient in minerals to drink distilled water.