Re: vunkkkkkkk and lip balmsss
Like I said I don't think at all that the reapply of lipbalm just stopped my 'improvement' or even over canceled it.
Of course, once flakes just came off I was always optimistic that it was getting better and better every cycle but objectively, more than 4 months after it was just a banal repetition. I was hoping one small area gets healed, but none of this.
Honestly, I just have the same result than I was used to have when I started to apply chapstick when this condition started, quite naked eye invisible, with this peeling cycle which keeps going and of course the lipbalm which enables the dead skin to easily come off, just for say that leaving alone treatment or not, lipbalm or not, this just doesn't change much about my condition, except for the aesthetic aspect of course.
The difference between our problem and your friend's is that our is kind of chronic, his is just a reaction to something very particular and knows exactly what to avoid given that he has directly a reaction against these elements.
Also, I wasn't at all a chapstick user, neither bit or lick at my lips. Of course I pick at my lips, but wasn't just the beginning of this condition? Who knows, maybe it just doesn't have nothing to do with, like if a man would say he has excessive sweating because he started to use antiperspirant at the same time. So he decided to stop using it but his sweating just keeps going, like our peeling cycle keeps going while our leaving alone method hoping to see some improvement one day..
Evidently, I really used chapstick once I got this condition, but some of us never used it and EC just spread anyway..!