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Re: tofu?
survivor23 Views: 1,270
Published: 13 y
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Re: tofu?

I am in the same boat you are in, and have read the same articles.

Here is what I've come up with.

1) go Organic: Apparently, tofu is one of those things that you should NOT compromise on when it comes organic. Genetically modified strains are supposedly toxic. For the most part, I am a raw foodist, and I dont eat tofu. However, in times when I am in need of high protein, low fat diet, I turn to tofu as an alternative, and I LOVE IT!
So go organic.

2) If you can, buy organic soybeans, and make your own tofu. Google it, there are methods out there that work, and are superior to store bought brands.

3) In general, I stay away from things that are commercially produced. I used to have horrific lungs. My raw food diet cured me of that, (possibly going meatless too, as I always had allergies, no more). Commerical soy milk causes my throat to close up. I avoid it at all costs. But for some reason, when I have organic tofu, and mix it with water, essentially making my own soy milk, I have no problems whatsoever. I dont know what ingredients go to commercialized soy milk, but definitely not the same.



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