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EDIT..Re: Question for chrisb or anyone else who knows

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chrisb1 Views: 1,408
Published: 13 y
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EDIT..Re: Question for chrisb or anyone else who knows

Hello Aussiesurfer,

in answer to your questions................

1. Are all Water Fast linear in length and effects? What i mean is will healing of the mind only occur around the day 20 mark? Or if i cease around day 18 will healing re-commence at the start of my next fast? Can deep cleansing only occur this deep into a fast?

A. Healing and cleansing begin from day one of a water-only-fast, but healing is far more efficient and achieved more quickly if the body is free from toxemia; if the body does not need to divert its available energies into cleansing, then this will be utilised fully into healing.
Post-breaking of the fast at day 18 does not mean that healing or even cleansing will be suspended: far from it, as long as the diet and lifestyle encourage both. The body is striving 24/7 to heal and cleanse itself whether eating or fasting, but the fast will greatly accelerate both.

2. What would you consider to be of more benefit in healing effects, One fast of 30 days or 2 fasts of 20 days?

A. One long fast is considered to be more effective at healing than a shorter one, or even a series of shorter ones, but given the time-scale you have given I would opt for the 30 day option.

3. When could be the earliest possible signs of genuine hunger returning? Is it possible around the day 21 mark, or even earlier?

A. A powerful demand for nourishment felt within the throat, much in the same way as a demand for water when real thirst appears. If you have ever been severely dehydrated as I once was many years ago, you will know exactly what I mean.
Genuine hunger can occur within days of the commencement of a fast if there is little to no healing or cleansing to be done, and as determined by the body itself.

4. Does return of genuine hunger usually acompany a pink toungue in most of the population? (I know there are exceptions to this).

A. Genuine hunger can be accompanied by a pink tongue but this is not a reliable guide as to when to break the fast before any risk of starvation. There are other symptoms as well such as a clean breath and clear sparkling eyes and so on but these are secondary; the return of genuine hunger is the only and reliable guide on when a fast has fully completed....................

5. In the latter part of a fast is it possible for healing and elimination of toxins to occur at the same time?

A. Healing and elimination always occur simultaneously throughout the fast, unless toxemia is so lowered that healing takes place almost exclusively.

No problem with helping but you will feel better before long and esp' so after the fast has broken and glucose becomes your main source of energy. I was on cloud 9 after my second lengthy fast within the week.



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