opened, refrigerated fish oil-how long does it last?
Hello, have googled this for about 40 minutes and can not find exactly the answer the question I am seeking.
I have had a bottle of Carlson orange flavored liquid fish oil, open, in the back of my fridge for probably for about one year now. It does have a Best by date of 12/2013 on it, but I am thinking that may refer to before the seal was broken?
I take triple strength fish oil softgels most of the time, but occasionally, when my thyroid gets inflamed, or I get sinusitis, my throat gets a little swollen and it becomes much harder to swallow the pills, so I keep the liquid stuff on hand.
Is it still good to consume? It doesn't really look cloudy, it does have a strong smell, but I always think fish oil smells "fishy" even if I just bought it.
Would it just be safer to pitch it? Can I get like food poisoning from consuming expired oil or would I just not be getting the full benefit? Some stuff I read while searching says its only good for 3 months once opened, others say 6 months and still others say you can use it up to the expiry date. If someone could please clarify, that would be helpful!