liver flukes
Years ago after assuming
Iodine for a while I took a slightly higher dosage, and as a consequence for a whole night I had very painful cramps at the liver. In the morning I passed two flukes, or at least I think they were flukes, they didn't look like tomato skins, they looked exactly like F.magna in the pictures, sort of rhomboid and flat, brown, but a bit smaller approximately 3-4
cm long.
I didn't think much of this (!), and some time later I discontinued the
Iodine treatment. I also discontinued all liver flushes. Fast forward to these days, I realize that I've had for years (almost all my life, I'm now 49) an increasingly annoying feeling at the liver, despite healthy diet, no alcohol, no coffee and no drugs. Blood analysis doesn't show any problem, and I digest well as long as I chew food properly, but especially when I don't I suffer of bad diarrhea, it's been like that for at least 4 years. I also lack of energy and am very overweight, have been so for 8 years, while before I never had problems.
At 5 I had an hepatitis A, and arguably this could have been the moment I may have been infected instead with Fasciola Hepatica. My mom was fixated with giving me liver to eat once a week, could it have been the source?
More recently, 9 years ago I had what I always thought to be a case of very bad Dengui fever in Thailand, I had to go to the Traditional Medicine Hosptal of Chiang Mai. When I left the hospital, the doctor told me though that I hadn't had dengui but some kind of hepatitis, I always thought he had said that because they don't like foreigners to think that dengui is endemic, but now I wonder if I got a fluke there too instead. What makes me think so is that I am now increasingly more sore in the genitals, and I read this is a fluke symptom, don't remember if of Chlonorchis or what. I also have these little lentil like things on the skin, also I read linked to flukes. If not in Thailand I may have picked the fluke somewhere else, for a period of time I've been traveling a lot, Peru, Mexico, and Thailand mainly, going deep in the jungle, eating at stalls etc.
Now all of this is self-observation and speculation, may be nothing at all, but I want to verify and take proper exams, and eventually drugs.
To sum it up my symptoms are: diarrhea, liver slightly painful, great pain in my ankles/feet and occasional pain inthe joints, overweight, sore genitals, a few lentil-like things on the skin, low energy.
So here comes the question: what kind of exams should I ask for? I think I need to be very specific because in Italy where I live I strongly doubt there is much sensitivity to the subject, and to get exams I need to pass by the regular family doctor.
sorry if my question may be already answered in some other threads, if so please be so kind to give me the link, I didn't have the time to go through all the many pages of this forum