13 y
20 drops yesterday
started back on the
Lugols again. few days ago i did 5 drops and i had a pretty bad headache which is very rare for me. obviously some sort of detox.
next day i did 20+ drops no problem. i was craving salt during the day which is a good sign except that i reach for the potato chips and those oils are not good. also i find that taking the
Iodine with food helps a lot.
so what's a good non-liquid way to take salt doses?
i took last
Iodine dose before bed and this morning woke up feeling not quite as dead as usual - another good sign. also i found that in the earlier days i would get wired from the higher doses but now it is calming me down so it is no problem to take this at night time. so i guess that it does not overstimulate the thyroid and the wired feeling was definitely some sort of detox just like a few people said here. and yet another good thing that i found out is that
Iodine does not kill beneficial flora since i'm still able to detox my intestines while on it. usually anything that kills my flora like too much gluten will stop detox and make me constipated.
another thing i really like is taking 1-2 drops with any sort of food that may be questionable like dairy or sugar/grains that i feel might feed bacteria that aren't supposed to be there.
first thing my body wants as soon as i wake up is iodine.
i think in the next week or so i will push up to my highest dose yet maybe 30-40 drops.