Re: vitamin D?
"Bacteria are nothing the terrain is everything".. Louis Pasteur.
By terrain, Pasteur meant the internal environment that supports the survival and growth of bacteria and other pathogens: namely toxemia, whether these are of an exogenous or endogenous origin.
Keep the body clean from toxins and bacteria/viruses and pathogens are unable to survive. This is also the case in the external environment where Hygiene is paramount in keeping disease at bay.
The L-Form bacteria then can have no effect on a bodily environment that is free from toxemia, and the very best way of achieving this, is periodic water-only-fasting which accelerates the cleansing and healing process.
The Marshall Protocol has also been discredited by many medical and health experts as having no basis in fact.
Vitamin D supplementation is therefore seen as a prudent method for achieving an optimal status of this immunomodulatory/regulatory steroid in the absence of sufficient sunlight exposure; bacteria of any kind do not therefore enter the equation whatsoever.