13 y
here we go again......................
another game of Yahoo euchre, and along comes another a-hole to the table.
This time, the jerk started harassing his own partner, calling her an idiot and saying she's got to be the worse player he's ever seen.
Dont these idiots realize that much of the game is luck, and determined by Yahoo and how the cards are dealt?
Well I had to jump in and defend this poor innocent player, opponent or not!
The a-hole and I got into it. Names were called, and the usual competition ensued to see who could come up with the best insult. I think I won!
Just as the last card was played, he quickly left the game.
I was the head of the table you see. This meant I had the ability to boot his sorry a**. He left in such a hurry, I didnt even have a chance to bring up the boot screen.
Ah well, the other players and I had a good laugh about it.