PLEASE HELP ME!!! with my Hair loss
I have always had thick hair, in fact there is nobody in both sides of my family that are bald even my Great Grandparents in their late 90's. I didnt think I would ever have hair loss problems, but guess what I do!
Heres where it started, I took Zeolite when my body was very unhealthy which stirred up all the metals in my body and my body wasnt healthy enough to flush them out. Well that was the biggest mistake of my life as I had full body eczema and my hair was falling out. It was quite bad and I ended up having to take betaderm to clear it and I hate taking any prescriptions of any kind if I dont have to. That was 2 1/2 years ago and now I just have minor eczema on my hands, triceps and fore arms.
I started seeing a Naturopathic doctor and have been getting quite a bit better. I cured my leaky gut and eat only healthy non processed foods. I was getting Light beam generator treatment's from my Naturopathic Doctor which has helped substantially but they are very costly at $90 per half an hour so I have stopped as I dont have the money or coverage. Sometimes when I got the light beam generator treatment I would have an eczema flare up and it would go down afterwards and overall it would be better. Well I had a treatment with the LBG and my hair started falling out again. Now what can I do? My hair is very dry and my scalp is dry and itchy as well. I only have hair loss in the front portion of my scalp though and not the back. What are my options. ACV, Castor Oil, Aloe vera, Iodine, Magnetic Pulser, or any others? PLEASE HELP me get my hair and scalp back to normal.
I also suffer from dry eyes, allergies and low energy.
I also drink ACV mixed with water 1-3 times daily, take Chlorella powder 4-6 TSP daily, Cayenne pepper on tongue and Himilayan Salt on Tongue.