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Info on healing the body

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Info on healing the body

The essence of the new paradigm that is emerging since the discovery of Chiron is this:
Healing is synonymous with the evolution of consciousness, globally and personally.Healing is the journey of our consciousness towards greater wholeness, greater integrity, greater balance, greater harmony and, ultimately, greater Love.When our consciousness around any given issue remains stuck for too long, resisting our innate need for evolution, disease manifests.Disease, dysfunction, disorder and disharmony - our Wounds - are our teachers, teachers mirroring the lessons we are resisting learning.
In terms of the awakening of consciousness, we are a balance of Light and Dark.The Healing process (that we are equating with the evolution of consciousness) is the gradual, on-going and eternal process of bringing our Darkness into the Light.Along the journey, we gain greater understanding, greater knowledge, greater Truth and greater Being.In this way, Healing is not a pursuit limited to one profession or one area of human endeavor.It encompasses areas of all human endeavor and human expression.It entails a striving towards unity and concordance of all human knowledge and understanding on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Orthodox medical, psychological and psychiatric therapies attack symptoms first.Deeper therapies look for root causes.The current trend in medical, psychological and psychiatric research is to search for the root 'cause' of a disease/disorder.Current thinking (that pervades orthodox medicine and therapy) is that disease or imbalance - physiological, emotional, mental or spiritual - indicate that something needs to be fixed.If we can find the root cause, then we can 'fix' it.We go to the doctor asking them to 'fix' us - to make us 'better'.
Both orthodox and alternative Healing professions are leading us into ever finer realms of human energy systems - of the body and the mind - in search of root causes to 'fix'.In the process, we are learning, in ever greater detail, all there is to be known about ourselves.This will ultimately Serve us in ways that we do not yet see.In the beginning, we employed physical remedies, e.g. surgery, and then moved to chemical and herbal remedies, i.e. drugs, then to electrical, radiative and magnetic remedies.Then there is vibrational medicine and spiritual Healing.Where will it end?The Chiron paradigm says it ends with Spirit itself.It ends with the acknowledgment that the natural evolution of consciousness includes health and disease as homing beacons, pointing us toward ever greater wholeness, consciousness, Truth and, ultimately, Love.In the end, Love will be acknowledged as the greatest Healer.Let's look at this a little deeper.
The Chiron paradigm calls the root cause of disease, dysfunction, disorder or imbalance: the Wound.By "Wound", we mean a sense of inner hurt, missingness, fragmentedness, injustice, unfairness, incompleteness, aloneness, etcetera.We mean the unresolved, undissolved, unreconciled, and unHealed issues that lie buried within our psyches, awaiting the Healing process.These issues drive us, run us and point us in particular directions in our lives.The Wounding, i.e. the descending journey of fragmentation, separation, disorder, imbalance and disease, is the flip-side of the Healing.One cannot exist without the other.They are two sides of the same coin, as we shall see.
Chiron says there is a Gift in every Wound... further, that Healing is the process of discovering the Gift.Seeing the perfection of the whole process, we are inspired to say "thank you".Gratitude takes us to Love.So we Heal.Disease, dysfunction, disorder and imbalance - our Wounds - arise from ingratitude.Ingratitude for what?Ingratitude for the 'root causes' of our Wounds, for our lives, for the people in our lives, for the lessons of life, for life itself.
Ingratitude, as such, arises from misperceptions and misinterpretations of the happenings of our lives, i.e. it arises from events, situations and circumstances that we have distorted in our mind's eye.This is the Wounding.We will be exploring the physiological basis of our distortions and misperceptions (and the psychological and spiritual ramifications therein) in Books Two and Three.
Traditional thinking says the root cause or Wound is 'bad' and that it needs to be 'fixed', changed or otherwise expunged.Chiron says the Wound contains a Gift.By discovering, acknowledging and embracing the Gift, so we Heal.If we could remove the Wound, we would be throwing the baby out with the water, so to speak.In truth, the root cause or Wound cannot be removed, because doing so would be amputating a part of our psyche.If we appear to have removed the root cause, then we have merely succeeded in changing its form.It will invariably show up in some other form until the lesson is learned.How then do we deal with the root cause?Here is the essence:
Chiron says nothing needs fixing.Disease, dysfunction, disorder and imbalance - our Wounds - are created by our perception of the events, circumstances, situations and people of our lives.In Truth, the world and our lives are already in perfect order and balance.The Wound is our inability to see perfect order and balance.The Healing process consists of awakening to the perfect order and balance that already exists.Such is the process of the evolution of consciousness.The Wound, whether manifested physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, is a result of our lopsided perceptions, perceptions that exaggerate and express one side of a situation while discounting, minimizing and repressing the other side.
Most importantly, our lopsided perceptions of disorder, disharmony, imbalance, injustice, etcetera - i.e. our Wounds - take us on a journey.They take us on a journey in search of greater consciousness, greater wholeness, greater Truth and greater Love.The specific way in which this happens is the Gift.Complete Healing only occurs when we look back at a Wound and acknowledge the miracle of how it has Served us in our lives... how it has helped us to discover greater meaning, fulfillment, Truth and Love.. how it has given us our special and unique place in the world.
In the final analysis, it is Gratitude that Heals... Gratitude for the Wound, Gratitude for our lives, Gratitude for being exactly who we are, Gratitude for every event, situation, circumstance and person in our lives.It is seeing, acknowledging and embracing the way in which each event, situation, circumstance and person has Served us on our journey of Healing and evolution of consciousness.
Said another way, when we have learned the lesson of the Wound and are fully Grateful for the experience, the Wound Heals.At this point, we move on to the next issue in our lives.Each issue is a Gift.Each issue represents another opportunity for Healing, another opportunity for awakening, another opportunity for learning to Love ourselves and our lives.
In Truth, our whole life is about Healing.Healing is the journey toward greater wholeness, integrity, Truth, consciousness and Love.Every minute of our lives, our innate longing for Oneness and Love pushes us to learn our lessons.Some lessons take a lifetime; others are learned more quickly.If we could understand what the processes of life, learning, evolution and Healing were all about, we could encapsulate all this into a scientific, verifiable, repeatable process of Healing that would change history and Humanity.Instead of taking a lifetime to Heal a Wound, resolve an issue or see the events, situations and circumstances of our lives with greater consciousness, we could move through it all in a fraction of the time.This is exactly what Chiron offers us.The process is known.The knowledge and understanding exist now.The methods and application exist now.The process is already being used.Quantum leap breakthroughs of individual Healing and evolution of consciousness are happening now.Such Chironic processes of Healing will be described in detail in Book Two.

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