Re: New Member
I am not sure what the strength of oleander in Amazon Tonic III is. The Sutherlandia OPC an Rose Laurel OPC Plus oleander supplements contain 100 mg of oleander per dose and one can take up to 10 or 11 capsules (or equivalent liquid) per day for maximum therapeutic dose (which may be needed for late stage and/or aggressive cancers). Looking at the list of ingredients of the Amazon Tonic, I see graviola - which the formulator of the Sutherlandia and Rose Laurel OPC Plus feels works at cross purposes with oleander. N-Acetyl cysteine is considered an absolute must to take along with oleander and one or more of the Sutherlandia formulations includes NAC. I like Bill's protocol, but in some cases you may need a stronger one. I suggest you take a strong look at this one:
Absolute musts in my mind are oleander, Budwig flaxseed/CC, colloidal silver, N-Acetyl Cysteine and Inositol/IP6 (which has a history of being very effective in getting rid of tumors). If it were me, I would try to do as much of the protocol as possible, including all the lifestyle, diet, etc. recommendations.
Just wondering - have you had any problems receiving the Amazon Tonic? Others have had problems getting products from that company through customs because the owner has had quite the history with the FDA and powers that be and the company is firmly on their radar.