my mother has stage iv non small cell lung cancer.She coughs out this egg white like phlegm(usually in the mornings) and also suffers from breathlessness. Her oxygen in her blood has also dropped below the normal range and we had to put her on Oxygen. I am thinking of getting her to try Hydrazine Sulfate since she has lost quite abit of weight since finding out she has cancer 6 mths ago.Her appetite is quite good but the body doesn't seem to be absorbing the nutrients. She is now 40kgs(height 155cm) and I hope to boost her weigh back up starting with probiotics and digestive enzymes. Currently she takes Fucoidan which she started 1 mth ago. Does anyone know if Fucoidan and Hydrazine Sulfate can be taken together? I am considering Cellect as well but as an added supplement. Would appreciate any feedback regarding this.Thanks.