Re: Peeling palms
just so happens that I have dealt with something sounding similar to this for awhile... it gets better or worse depending on various factors, including some foods as triggers, my overall condition, dampness (keep it dry). Hard to pin it down to any one pathogen, although Ba is at least part of it:
this one is a toughie for sure... the infection is deep under the skin. have not been able to fully eradicate it, yet... that said, after a recent flare up, i have adopted an approach that seems effective... I soak my hand in a plate of
Colloidal Silver ... with
Lugols Iodine added as well (no fixed amount, but not too much). also I apply
Lugols topically a few times a day. burns, then itches incredibly, but it seems to beat it back... lastly, another wrinkle... you can add just a tiny bit of 20% h202 to the iodine/silver bath... the itch is something that has to be felt to be understood... during and after the soak... but it kills it. go slow, it may hurt and swell as well...