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Dr. Lam or Dr. Wilson, Ayurveda or other supplements for Adrenal Fatigue?
helladrenalfatigue Views: 6,655
Published: 13 y

Dr. Lam or Dr. Wilson, Ayurveda or other supplements for Adrenal Fatigue?

Hi guys/gals,

I'm going to get to the point. I've been taking an SSRI for 4 years and after a recent anxiety attack, have been taking a benzo as well in a small dose. SSRI is Fluvoxamine named Faverin 100mg....and Benzo is Lexotanil(Bromazepam 3mg) but I'm actually down to 0.75mg or at the most I take 1.5mg per day of Benzo.

I've recently discovered that I'm suffering from Adrenal Fatigue since I have all the symptoms and it's taking a real toll on life in general. I tried to get off the Benzo and came down to 0.37mg but it was just too much for my body to take and I had also started walking everyday for 45min which became together too stressful for my adrenals so now I'm back down the ladder of recovery.

So I'd like to know what to do about this? Plz share your experience. I'm guy and on top of that a gay guy and I think about sex a lot more than usual and staying away from jacking off has been quite tough but I'm looking at the light at the end of the tunnel. But since I was already feeling bad right now, I thought might as well clear the pipes and then give a long break to my body again on the road to recovery.

I'd like to hear from other people how adrenal fatigue has impacted their sex life/self-gratification and please also recommend which supplement to take since I live in Pakistan and will have to ask a cousin to bring it from me from the US. Please reply soon.


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