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Re: 6cubed...
befurther Views: 2,094
Published: 13 y
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Re: 6cubed...

LOL! The fact is that vaccination is a ritual carried out by a cult. Being against such rituals is not cultish. Also In mode-earn science test subjects are considered to be sacrifices. Anybody that places science on an pedestal as if it is infallible, and follows the ceremonies, and rites of the mode-earn medical system meets the very definition of being in a cult...


an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers

the object of such devotion.
a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
something regarded as fashionable or significant by a particular group

...Admirers of vaccines often make quips regarding science and their somehow superior understanding of science. Trying to raise it above all else. Science is merely accumulated knowledge that is only as good as the words and data it is communicated in.

To state that someone slept through science class is in itself an unscientific statement, when the person lacks the accumulated data of actually experiencing someone falling asleep in their science class. In other words the statement is a lie.

Enjoy your vaccine rituals! Obviously you find them to be fashionable.



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