19 y
A hard question for mh about circulatory systems.
Hi MH, My friend, in 40s, had triple bypass surgury 12/16/05 and the surgeons left a big wheal of a 9 inch scar across his third thoractic rib where he was cut, cleared and cleaned. They removed arterial blockage with knife and drained infection with tubal suction. Had to get those bacon chunks, plaque and pus out some way. Very sad, as the sad diet, standard american diet, puts people in such sad states.
Anyhow, since the surgury my friend is just ok recovering, on cardiac heart smart diet which is better then SAD, yet is very very pale. I see it as the pump, the heart, not pulsating strong enough to send blood to skin capilaries, hence the extremely pale pale skin color. My question to you is this:
I saw chinese diagrams of microscopic tubuiles that run from all our teeth to our organs and from our heart to our skin and other organs, this fine network of tubulary systems can only be seen under micron electroscope, so most western surgeons just ignore it and cut and work on the main arteries, cutting those finer tubuile systems to reach major arteries. My question is, once you have been under the knife like that, in a bypass sugury, what effect does the cutting of the flesh have on those finer systems, the ones disregarded by western surgeons?
I am concerned about my friends longevity, as I have seen some heart patients pass away months after surgury and some heart patients live 20 plus years after surgury. Any input you have on longevity of by pass patients would be appreciated.
Thank you.