REGULAR LIVER CLEANSES PLEASE Re: B12, Folate Re: high bilirubine
Agreed Chris, BD,
MORE investigations and clear diagnosis are needed. BD, let us know what conclusion your doctor came to.
Concerning biliurubine - if it is mildly above normal jaundice might not be present. I agree with Chris'logic and the facts. Additionally, if the bilurubin-emia is Unconjugated type --- (happens in over-destruction of red cells, one case of this would be autoimmune destruction; in hereditary conditions*; some drugs can cause it; and in Megaloblastic anemias - Pernicious anemia is one of them, Folate and purely B12 deficient anemia are others) --- the urine might not be very dark, rather the stool will be darker than usual or contain evidence of bile stones if liver cleanse provoked, which is BD's case.
BD, please, tell your doctor also, that you are aware of the existence of *hereditary conditions, that present with symptoms similar to yours: Gilbert's Syndrome, Crigler-Najjar Syndromes - type I and II. Some itchiness may be due to jaundice, since the skin is also excreting it, when high.
The way it looks more plausible to me, and I am going to theorize still insisting on more investigations, is: there is some autoimmune process which triggers psoriasis, red cell destruction and/or atrophic gastritis -- hence pernicious anemia; the high bilirubine comes from over-destruction of the red cells. If Bilirubine elevation very acute and rising rapidly, active measures are needed IMMEDIATELY. If Bilirubine levels are chronically elevated and rather stable, it is not so bad ... after all the wisdom of the body made such that Bilirubine is also one of its antioxidants ...
GOOD NEWS: fasting is said to relieve autoimmune disorders and heal them, together with the right nutrition and lifestyle.
Afterthoughts: Gilbert's Syndrome (=MILD DECREASE IN GLUCURONYLTRANSFERASE ENZYME, leading to defective bilirubine conjugation) is said to be evident while fasting; it is possible that fasting made evident present disorder. I would STRONGLY SUGGEST REGULAR
Liver Cleanses BEFORE AND AFTER FASTS in order to keep that bile flowing in order to under-whelm the mechanism of conjugation.