Re: Harsh
By future books I mean there will be none until the first books are completed. People want details about other books I will use without doing the first books, then these same types like to spread the names and authors and buy them any place but from the schooling.
You would like to go to 6th grade with out doing 1st grade, sorry, it just doesn't work that way, at least it I never got away with it. The schooling I do is only for a very, very few people and a hobby, not a real school in any sense. For those few that want to do it, it is here. Christopher's School of Natural Healing is world wide and ONLY 30-40 students world wide take the test yearly. That is enough only a few % ever finish the schooling, most REFUSE to do the study guides and thus NEVER receive a future book to do and forfiet their money. I on the other hand make my schooling extremely cheap in comparison and never charge upfront, you only pay for 1 book at a time and can quit anytime you choose.
In Christopher's books they mention 3 types of people, 2 of these types can't be helped, they do not want help. That is harsh, but the facts of life.
The website made it so the people could avoid the schooling and harmed BOOK I allot, it won't happen with the future books, the authors need not be known and won't, this will stop those that seek to destroy the schooling such as your self.
Those that don't follow the rules will not see what the schooling has to offer, period. That is not harsh, it is common sense!