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Anyone try oil pulling and thoughts for dr visit??
Atlanta55 Views: 1,539
Published: 13 y

Anyone try oil pulling and thoughts for dr visit??

Hi Everyone!

It's been a while since I've posted -- although I no longer smell myself, I still get reactions from others. All the time. Weird! Anyhow, I have been reading on Curezone and about the benifits of oil pulling - it is basically using good quality oil (sunflower, coconut, olive), and pulling it in and out "between" your teeth over and over again, the spitting out the liquid after 5-10 mins. The thought behind it is that this will help you to detox by pulling out toxins. I have been trying this for about a week, and I have noticed that I generally feel better and get headaches less. Have been using coconut oil, pull first thing in AM, for about 7-8 mins, then spit out and brush teeth right after. Pull again at night, same regemin. Also, I've been ingesting about 2 TBLS of cocnut oil per day - supposed to be good for killing yeast. Just a thought. But, be careful with coconut oil as it can be kinda rough on the system, as it is supposed to be so effective. Thought that may help someone!

Also, I have a dr appointment with a new DR(changed insurance) at the end of the week and am thinking of asking him to do a full blood work up plus test for H Pylori. For anyone who has been tested for that, what did you tell Dr. to get him to run the test(as we all know, they will say they cannot smell anything, then dismiss you!) Also, any thoughts on other tests that may be good to ask for? Had a Dr. that I loved, but can't see her anymore, as she is no longer on plan.

Thanks, everyone!


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