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Re: For a while I was doing so well, now...
Richard Views: 1,479
Published: 23 y
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Re: For a while I was doing so well, now...

Hello Butterfly

Sorry to hear about your problems with health, exercise and overeating. A lot of which I gather is more pshycological than physical - a mental state. It is about moods and emotions.

It is very important to try and have a balanced sensible diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat a very wide variety of foods. Lots n lots of water and finally exercise, exercise and exercise. Only the can you really begin to reclaim your health. I know you hurt your back and you might need to get that remedied first.

You have also hit the nail on the spot! There is so much talk about cleansing but no what after? I personally do not know much about cleansing but take the view that if it is good for you, by all means do it. However, what happens when you finish? I do not believe that continually cleansing can be good for the body.

On this note, you might want to consider going on the Omega (3, 6, 9) oils including the unique linoleic and linolenic acids. They not only help in making the blood healthier but good for emotional stability. It has a stablising effect. I have seen it with several lady friends I know. Furthermore, a right blend of seed oils contain substances known as tocopherol and tocotrienol. It has just recently been reported that these are powerful antioxidants.

The other thing you might want to try is a very good probiotic. It will help maintain a healthy digestive system and will also boost your immune system. It will ensure that food taken in are properly digested and nutrients absorbed by the body. From that, you will feel better and begin to try and do the things to reclaim your health again.

You should also know that I promote and sell these products. If you want more informatio, please visit:
click on probiotic. You can also navigate using the "Product/Solution" box on the top left. Most of the underscored words are links to more info. Check out too the blend of botanical oils.

Take care n I hope you find a solution to your problems soon.


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