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Foodio. Food Diary App
functionfitpt Views: 1,256
Published: 13 y

Foodio. Food Diary App

This is an app that was originally designed specifically for Metabolic Typing. It is a food diary that allows you to record your meals with ease, it allows you to keep in constant contact with your body and keep detailed records for both yourself and your advisor.

That is where this software comes in. In a few simple clicks of your iphone/ipad you are able to easily record your food and the reaction to your food an hour later. Below is a list of functions.

  1. Easily add in food into a meal for any given time of the day, as well as write notes that help your advisor understand how you prepared your food.
  2. Add in the weight of your food ‘ONLY’ if you need it.
  3. Represent your food Macronutrient portions with easy slider adjustments
  4. Easily pick a day of the week/month and review your meals
  5. A reminder alarm that is ‘necessary’ to put in your custom reactions for your previous meal, recorded 1hr and 15 min after you eat
  6. Easily send your meal for the day, week or a date range to your advisor/nutritionist/personal trainer with the click of a button
  7. Add new foods into your meal database for later use
  8. Keep record of your weight to see current and the last 3 months progress of any weight changes
  9. Add in your next appointment with your Nutritionist/Personal Trainer/dietician from within the app, just as you normally would in Ical.

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