Breast Cancer Diagnosis Application - 99% effective in diagnosis
A 17 year old comes up with a computer program that detects breast cancer 99%
of the time. Of course one then has to seek treatment. In the case
of a friend that I know who was correctly diagnosed with breast cancer two years
ago and refused allopathic care and instead sought alternative treatment.
Then just a couple of months ago after the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes
finally sought conventional medicine but alas, it was too late and has since
that time passed away.
Brittany Wenger, 17, Wins Google Science Fair Grand Prize
For Breast Cancer Diagnosis App
Posted: 07/25/2012 4:26 pm Updated: 07/25/2012
6:25 pm
Have you ever helped the hard-of-hearing listen to music? Or built a computer
program to diagnose breast cancer? These kids have.
The five teenage winners of the second annual Google Science Fair were
announced on Monday, according to Scientific American. Each of these
brainy teens were chosen from among 30 finalists from around the world and were
treated (along with the runners-up) to a gala held in an airplane hanger near
the company's Palo Alto headquarters in California. (This is Google, after all.)
But the winners, of course, were awarded the best swag: Prizes included a
college scholarships from Google for $25,000 or $50,000, trips to scientific
hotspots like CERN and Fermilab, and (perhaps best of all), trophies made out of
Lego bricks.
What did these brainiacs do to win the admiration of one of the best tech
companies in the world? Read about each of their projects below.
The Grand Prize winner of the science fair, for good reason, was a
17-year-old from Lakewood Ranch, Florida. Combining the fields of biology and
computer science, Wenger wrote an app that helps doctors diagnose breast cancer,
according to the description of her project on Google.
The type of computer program, called a "neural network," was
designed by Wenger to mimic the human brain: Give it a massive amount of
information (in this case, 7.6 million trials), and the artificial
"brain" will learn to detect complex patterns and make diagnostic
calls on breast cancer. Her program used data from "fine needle
aspirates," a minimally invasive procedure that, unfortunately, is often
one of the least precise diagnosis processes, according to Fox News. But Wenger
is helping change that, as her program correctly identifies 99 percent of
malignant tumors.
“I think it might be hospital ready," she told WWSB. "I'd love to
get different data from doctors. Right now, I have 700 test samples.”
Visit her app at Cloud4Cancer
Breast Cancer Detection (here)
to see how it works.