Re: D. Latum-fish tapeworm kill
This is the problem with killing worms with herbs or medication; you're making the problem worse. I sure did that myself and i ended up with a bigger worm load than i started with.
Copy the scriipt excluding the head part. I usually stop after the coenuri. The dwell for the dump frequency is set for 24 hours so you can have some flexibility with timing it yourself. From what i understand, you can run it for one hour and that could be sufficient. After that jump to the next set, the eggs in this case. Let the scriipt finish and run it again if you want to make sure you got everything that's still moving.
I don't bother with the head and neck at this point. I'm not that brave. I think the head will release on its own after a week or so. I think Newport had some horrific experience with running the full scriipt and wanted to make sure it's safe for people to use his frequencies. So, yes, it's precautionary.
During all this time i was moving around the apartment. I find the bean works best when you're in the same room but will do a good job even when you're out.
I haven't experimented with different positions for the bean or myself. I find that the current setup works well so i don;t worry about it.
Read up on old messages reading the particular worm you're targeting and run the scripts for the bugs that go with that worm so you make sure you're safe.