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Re: the fighter in me
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Re: the fighter in me

I truely believe wholeheartedly that giving up and being mad is not going to change a thing and im so done with the woe is me pitty party that wont get it either .

I want you to be positive as much as you can and you can use this situation as a learning lesson since you have had your issue you really know how mean people can be, you also know who your real friends are because they are still with you regardless of you bo . and you know God is good because you still have a job .

Most of all watch what you say your mouth has power Prov. 6:2 i speak healing always in my life . And you fight keep dieting keep trying different things until you find what works for you it's easyer to give up thin to keep fighting .

and as for the people that hurt you this is a hard one but ask God to bless them ask God to give them peace and he will do for you what you ask him to do for them im working on that part i cant stand for people to try and hurt me and get away with it and im not the last word kind of person but you will not talk to me any kind of way. 102111 you are going to be just fine hang in their you are a fighter and thats just what it's going to take to get rid of this Body Odor a FIGHT stinking for the rest of my life is not an options for me . GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS


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