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Re: More on meat protein

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

PTtogether Views: 1,659
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Re: More on meat protein

Hi Kimber,

Hi Kimber,

I'm with you. This is the least I can do to help you.

Here one more meat protein quotation from MH:

"AS a human, we have no teeth to eat meat and no digestive ability, so meat is not a question no matter how it was raised.

The meat a human tries to eat is full of toxins that the animal was getting rid of on a daily basis, can you imagine people who eat LIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then you have animals that see other animals being killed, these animals go extreme toxic and then the human eats this along with the meat. Then you have the commercial meat that is ground with bone, city water, and sterilized, etc.

The meat is second hand protein that is worthless, humans can not live on it. What meat does is burn your own human cells up and your human cells is where you get the energy from, not the meat. Plant proteins are superior to meat in all ways and have far more protein than dead frozen meat.

Dr. Christopher would come to the house and cure your loved one only if you agreed to take all the meat from the home and bury it, otherwise, all deals off!

The OLD MD that cured thousands 100% of the times condemed all meat eating and afterwards you were allowed to eat meat only if you followed rules, but he did this only because he knew the human habit was too strong for the weak to break.

The only meat I eat which is on the road normally is fish and it is no better, I want the tarter sauce or ketchup more than I want the fish. I will eat mexican or some products that have a little ground hamburger in it and it doesn't bother me because the next day I will get rid of all of it and not make it a habit of eating it. Once the stomach is renewed, you can eat bad things with out as much trouble as it would be if your stomach was ill.

I would prefer to be fruitarian 100%, but my wife is not, so I compromise to keep the peace!


More on protein from Andreas:

"Protein foods are a burden to the kidneys, as they produce excessive amounts of nitrogenous waste and also congest the blood vessel walls supplying kidneys cells with nutrients."

"A steak, as you may know, triggers the release of as much insulin as 1/2 pound sugar. The proteins accumulate in their blood capillary walls and prevent proper sugar metabolism."

"I am of the same blood type O as you are. When I went on the high protein diet at age five, 45 years ago, I felt great for about 18 months, like so many who go on Atkins. But then I developed stones in my liver, arrhythmia and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, among other diseases. Ten years later I switched to a vegan diet, and the two serious illnesses went away. But I still had to live with the many stones produced in my liver and gallbladder. Forty gallbladder attacks later, I cleaned out my liver and gallbladder and was finally free of any illness or discomfort.

You won't notice the effects of a high protein diet until the blood vessel walls are thickened with the excessive protein. Eating lots of animal protein triggers a powerful immune response, to get rid of the foreign DNA and dead, coagulated and therefore degenerated protein.

These immune responses release a lot of energy, clean out other impurities, improve skin functions, make you feel more grounded, etc. However, once the immune system is exhausted (which took 18 months in my case), the situation begins to backfire."

All my support.




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