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T. Serialis massacre
blueciel Views: 2,145
Published: 13 y

T. Serialis massacre

Last night I mustered the nerve and ran the t. Serialis life cycle script, just down to the food borne bios. spores. Nothing fancy, like layered head, etc.
I didn't feel anything while running the dump freq (about 50 min.) and only minor tugging with the rest of the script. The real fun began after going to bed later. It felt like the entire worm population staged an uprising. I could feel my belly popping up an down in various places, stuff sloshing, gurgling, moving, biting in the liver. It was incredible to observe how much has been disturbed, in fact. Things quieted down by morning.

I'm on dmsa round so I figured it would be a good time to do this now and hope for less fallout. As i woke up this morning things felt normal but as the day progressed i started tasting the metallic taste in my mouth. This is my sign that worms got blown up. I'm hoping the dmsa can handle the metal. I wish i had gold leaf but will have to order it asap. Is the Thai supplier to be trusted, in terms of quality?

First visible sign of the massacre was a bright orange BM this morning. It happened twice before, both times after a liver flush. I suspected copper dumps. Has anyone ever had that happen?

I'm still in awe of this technology and NP's frequencies. In the past it would have taken me huge amounts of herbs to kill these beasts.
I'm running the putrefaction scriipt now. Any other suggestions that may lessen the impact of the kill?



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