Re: Dry Fasting
Hello Ashash,
You may find this of interest concerning dry fasting..........
Two weeks of dry fasting would be little extreme in my view, and with a potential serious risk of dehydration and all that that entails, but it is said to be 3 times more efficient than water-only-fasting for detoxification.
For those who are new to the subject, dry fasting is essentially abstaining from all water/fluids including bathing and even brushing your teeth, but it is essentially fasting according to GENUINE thirst: if the body demands water, then that is what you must have, in much the same way as a genuine demand for food or air.
Shelton noted in his extensive experience of fasting supervision, that there is a strong repugnance/dislike for water during a fast (I can vouch for that) because much of the water we need is provided by our adipose or fat tissues during ketosis, so in essence, a "water-only-fast-according-to-thirst" is synonymous with "dry fasting".
Many of the experts on the forum have warned members not to indulge for any great length of time on a dry fast (7 to 10 days without any water): the member Fonty used to comment that dry fasting is not for the novice, and I would agree with him on that count.
However I see nothing wrong with dry fasting for up to 10 days, if you know what you are doing, and can recognise the bodily signals for any demand for water in the prevention of dehydration.
So Ashash I see nothing wrong with you attempting up to a 10 day dry fast or thereabouts, (or even longer) but be careful of the genuine demand for water in the prevention of the harm of dehydration.