pH test strips can be deceiving in the very beginning. I find they work best after I have added more alkaline foods to my diet for a while and then start testing. I use the test strips to see if I'm moving to a good balanced pH.
It is a sign we are bad off if our strip tells us it's extra high pH and we have been eating poorly and our body shows signs of decline in anyway. That person's lymph fluid is swimming in acids. Unless the urine is producing the high pH due to ingesting something like baking soda to force it to change....chances are the person is going to experience very hard health crisis as time goes on.
My test strip also showed very dark blue after being on the Atkins diet for a year and I didn't know that it was a bad sign....I thought it was good. Ask God to show you the way to heal.
For me it was here at curezone on the Ask Moreless forum. I studied really hard through the brain fog that I had and in time learned how to apply the balance to my life. I no longer have symptoms of MS.
Moreless is no longer teaching people so if you can't find what you are looking for here. His new website is
You can ask questions there and he will answer. It is organized to find what you are looking for.