Jorge, could you tell me what kind of diet you're eating these days, and how important you feel diet is in this battle? I know now that you feel it is secondary to killing the candida in the colon, but is it important to keep this strict diet year after year? I've pulled my hair out and gone crazy with this no grains/alcohol/dessert thing and found that it didn't really help at all. I try to eat a really healthy, balanced diet. I might not try the enemas for a while because I felt quite sick the last time I did one, but I'll keep that in mind. I've made tremendous progress since last September, but I even had to go on beta blockers to control palpitations that I'm sure the candida/mold is causing. The doctors couldn't find any cause. I'm so happy to hear you're having success though. I am too, in my own way, and I'm determined to make it all the way. It would just be nice if success was more of a straight line, instead of two steps forward, one step back. But that's how it's seemed to go for me these last years. Good luck to you.